OpusNet / NoTorrent

Posted on: December 20th, 2017 by akovacstapai

We are working in the VEKOP-2.1.1-15-2016 project with Líra Ltd. as a consortium partner on creating infrastructure supporting the legitimate use, service and digitisation of works under copyright and providing automatised cooperation for stakeholders.

Directive 2012/28/EU for orphan works in terms of digitizability/accessibility considers adequate licensing as a key issue and determines the criteria and source of searching for the rightholders. There is a need for an integrated system for the legal digitization of out of commerce works, which enables identification, commercial accessibility based on the books-in-print database or the identification of the rightholder of copyright.

The aim of the Project is to create sector infrastructure, which supports digital content provision, including the availability of licence information regarding access and usage rights; the introduction of electronic library services; and provides access to quality metadata for professionals working in the sector.


Posted on: December 11th, 2017 by akovacstapai

With contribution of Lilla House sp zoo, Fundacja Normalne Miasto – Fenomen, Technological Educational Institute of Crete Greece, and Qulto, the “Body&Mind” project is being realised as part of the Erasmus+ Program with participating actors from 3 European countries – Poland, Greece and Hungary.

This international initiative and its outputs are directed to adults 50+ and people working in informal sector of adults’ education. The main goal of the project is to enhance activity in physical, intellectual and social aspects of adults’ life specifically through implementation of innovative tools.

The project outputs include a web app promoting physical activity and using gamification techniques; a guideline of methodology outline for people working with adults 50+ and ready to use program of year-long course for professionals; and finally video tutorials displaying thorough process of physical activation of adults.

During the implementation phase, the Technological Education Institute of Crete is responsible for web app functional and visual concept co-creation and development tasks. To this frame, Polish partners provide the professional content – motivational videos, tips for exercises, scenarios for exercise classes.

The professionals of Qulto contribute to the work by performing the following tasks: 

– project promotion in Hungary, specifically in form of encouraging local organizations involved with non-formal senior education to utilize project results

– co-managing the web application

– promotion and dissemination the project results in Hungary

– documents translation into Hungarian, including the Guide, web app and video tutorials

– technical tests and further development of web app

– functional tests of web app on target market groups

The app will be created as an open source technology to provide the chance for further development even after the project’s financing period is finished. The final application will be fully realized by 2019 summer, and will be available in 5 languages (Polish, English, Greek, Spanish and Hungarian).

ARUCAD Library Project

Posted on: November 16th, 2017 by akovacstapai

Qulto Libraries and OPAC are now being used in the Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic. Freshly established Arkin University chose Qulto to serve their students at the Library. In partnership with Sayisal Grafik, we set up Qulto Libraries and OPAC for ARUCAD’s precious collection. The collection of the Library has been growing day by day and Qulto keeps helping ARUCAD Librarians to create records coherently with international standards, easy to use forms, and to create library inventory. 

Jurnalul – AR application

Posted on: November 11th, 2017 by akovacstapai
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What was it like to be a high-school student in the town of Sibiu, Romania, more than a century ago? The latest Qulto project invites you to a genuine time-travel, by browsing a the diary of a writer who was a teenager in 1885. Users can read the whole text or chapters in the modern form of an e-pub, they can see the original diary pages digitized by the library or listen to an actor reading the diary. Original drawings inspired by the content of the diary illustrate the pages of the virtual book.

The library promotes the web app by sending it to other libraries postcards that tell stories, thanks to the augmented reality developed for them and free to download for Android and iOS users. A project imagined by Brașov County Library, Romania, and brought to life by Qulto.

Magyar Művészeti Akadémia

Posted on: October 7th, 2017 by akovacstapai

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Within the framework of the project, we are working on the development of a portal functionally cooperating with the Huntéka library system operating in the library of MMA, which presents the members of MMA and their work. The site publishes a short biography of the creators, offers a selection of their works representing their creative work, lists their awards, exhibitions and offers bibliographic references to their work. It also makes related content, reports and videos available on the official MMA website.

Qulto Education

Posted on: July 4th, 2017 by qulto-admin

#learn differently #it is fun to learn #reusing public collections #digital museum pedagogy # reusing public collections # digital museum pedagogy # interactive ducation #digital education packages

Qulto Education that belongs to our Qulto portfolio, is a software component supporting the creation and usage of interactive education packages. This software primarily provides assistance to teachers and lecturers working in the public education sector and public collection institutions, though it is effectively applicable in other fields, as well. The module gives the opportunity of learning in a fun way within the framework of school, library, and museum activities. Consequently, lecturers can use the recently popular electronic devices preferred by their students to raise interest in a given subject through combining online and offline education materials.

In the first development phase the software’s beta version was born. Further improvements are going on based on the feedbacks of participants of formal and informal education.We aim at creating a digital education tool which, besides mediating interactive knowledge and culture, inspires the youth to visit and discover public collections. It is also designed to connect public collection items and cultural services to further services, especially to public education.

The software is easy to use: teachers and lecturers working with Qulto Education can create products within education packages. Such products can be built up from public collection data, internal and external sources, texts and media contents. These products – quiz, timeline, word search, puzzle –  by involving students in interactive tasks enable covering a certain topic or subject – let it be the history of a castle, the ballads of János Arany or some questions related to natural sciences.

Steps of creating digital education materials:

1, collecting sources and digital content (digital contents of public collections, external web sources, own images)

2, creating your personal education package (products of an education package: quiz, timeline, word search, puzzle)

3, the education packages can be presented within the system, or can be exported to several formats, which makes it easy to add further content, and edit them with other software

Lecturers can put together the education packages either themselves or in cooperation with their colleagues, and the completed materials can be made available in the institution’s open access catalogues. The presentations, exercise sheets can be integrated into the course schedule both in online and offline mode, assisting to cover a given topic with the help of public collection contents and other materials.

Planned functionalities and further development ideas of Qulto Education:

– Linking products: linking the already existing products to each other in a specific order so that they function as a linear guidance, and which can be presented/played without interruption
– Adding further products: already existing products would be extended with elements such as storytelling, mindmap, and some other playful presentation tools
– External sources: extending the range of supported external sources
– Supporting group work: authority management and defining certain roles would assist group work, which would include either working on education packages simultaneously or exercises that require students’ active involvment

Qulto Education

Posted on: February 10th, 2017 by akovacstapai
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learn differently #it is fun to learn #using public collections #digital museum pedagogy #interactive education #digital education packages

Qulto Education, which belongs to our Qulto portfolio, is a software component supporting the creation and usage of interactive education packages. This software primarily provides assistance to teachers and lecturers working in the public education sector and public collection institutions, though it is effectively applicable in other fields, as well. The module gives the opportunity of learning in a fun way within the framework of school, library, and museum activities. Consequently, lecturers can use the recently popular electronic devices preferred by their students to raise interest in a given subject through combining online and offline education materials.

We have aimed at creating a digital education tool which, besides mediating interactive knowledge and culture, inspires the youth to visit and discover public collections. It is also designed to connect public collection items and cultural services to further services, especially to public education.

The software is easy to use: teachers and lecturers working with Qulto Education can create tasks within education packages. Such education materials can be built up from public collection data, internal and external sources, texts and media contents. These tasks – quiz, timeline, word search, puzzle, slideshow – which can also be linked enable covering a certain topic or subject – let it be the history of a castle, the ballads of János Arany or some questions related to natural sciences – by involving students in interactive tasks.


Posted on: August 10th, 2016 by akovacstapai

On occasion of the Library Sunday, the Méliusz Juhász Péter County Library organised an engaging game for its visitors, called ’Könyvtársas’. This activity, besides traditional printed books, involved 21st century technologies as well, such as mobile applications and QR codes. First, the participating groups had to investigate a mysterious murder while wandering among the bookshelves, then followed a contest in the form of an ’author-reader meeting’. The third part having the topic of Mars – based on the book entitled The Martian – had the challenge to escape from the planet (symbolised by the readers’ room on the 2nd floor) while trying to do their best both in individual and team tasks. In the activities compiled by Monguz Ltd., the participants could get in touch with the Earth (i.e. the audience) with the help of a task involving a kinect camera. Once the message got through, after reading the proper QR codes, the audience could ’send back’ the necessary keys for solving the tasks. Finally, the competing teams were helped in finding their way to escape by an augmented reality (AR) app.

F@IMP 2.0

Posted on: July 23rd, 2016 by akovacstapai

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AVICOM (International Committee for Audiovisual and New Image and Sound Technologies) regularly organizes its professional festivals where its ICOM (International Council of Museums) members have the possibility to show and compare their submitted project works. Both the registration and the competition workflow processes have been made easier and speeded up by a new information system.

The online registration module manages the registration of candidates, the submission of museum project works, online public access to them, management of online payments related to submissions. It also provides a platform for both online evaluation process of submitted works by the jury, and general public ratings.

The winners of the different categories of works and museum projects submitted during previous AVICOM festivals are also available and can be consulted publicly in the archives of the site. All published museum projects have been endorsed by the authors and are thus free from constraints related to copyright regulations.

Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC

Posted on: February 10th, 2016 by akovacstapai

Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC has asked us to integrate four already existing, independant library systems. The new system beside the functions of a conventional integrated library system (cataloging, loan, aquisition, weeding, inventory, invoicing, serials, electronic library) can handle interlibrary requests for articles and books, provides a register of electronic contents and of  financial reports. That is why readers’ functions are extanded with the option of forwarding requests for articles / book chapters/ books and with the tracking of requests.

User-friendly operation is helped by DOI/PMID based search and automated metadata fill.

The electronic library module insures the storing and retraceability of uploaded digital objects, contents coming for desiderata requests are also stored here. The module is capable of controlling availability on the basis of copyright restrictions.

When completing the requests of researchers working for Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC, spendings are registered department specifically, reports can be generated for certain time periods, so the system can be the basis of financial registration.

Part of the project was to convert all the data from the previous systems without any loss and filling them into the new system.

PIM DIA Reader

Posted on: June 10th, 2015 by akovacstapai
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The Petőfi Literary Museum Digital Literary Academy is digitizing and publishing the works of the prominent figures of Hungarian contemporary literature. Those who are interested, by downloading and installing the PIM DIA application, can read the works included in the database on their mobile phones. Users can read the texts of the database on mobile devices by downloading the PIM DIA Reader mobile application. On the interface one can look for authors and book titles, can read literary works in mobile optimised layout and can use bookmarks. When digital books are borrowed, content is also available offline. The app works with epub format (meaning that the book is downloaded on the device with reduced size), and a timestamp automatically eliminates the loaned status after 2 weeks.

MOME Design portal

Posted on: September 7th, 2013 by akovacstapai

After a long preparation in the Library of the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts, the institutional repository called DesignPortal was launched in 2013, which implements the collection and publication of digital content created at the University, its content and thematic processing, and its long-term preservation. The project required innovative solutions from the developers, as the content created at the University includes a wide variety of works: from ceramic design to applications for smartphones to animated films, the range of documents that can be uploaded can range. In the first phase, the uploading of diploma theses, doctoral dissertations, and animated films began, and a year later, a database of faculty creators and publications, as well as a common search engine, were completed. At the same time, functions not closely related to the repository have been developed: in addition to librarians, students, consultants, opponents, diploma committee members and education secretaries are also involved in the work.

The National Document Supply System

Posted on: February 11th, 2011 by akovacstapai
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The ODR (The National Document Supply System) is the centre of library services and has been operating since 1998. The system aims at making document service fully available to patrons of registered libraries in it. Such institutions are the national library, special libraries, state university libraries and county libraries. Besides inter library loan services, the ODR includes the location catalog of library documents, as well.

Within the frames of a TÁMOP project, in 2010-2011 our company developed and successfully launched a new system which enhanced the communication and cooperation between the libraries. New functions such as invoicing, statistics, workflow planning and monitoring were introduced. After the second phase of development, inter library loan requests became available for patrons as well through the online surface, where the status of each loan request can be tracked.

Hungarian National Shared Catalogue (MOKKA)

Posted on: January 10th, 2011 by akovacstapai

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MOKKA is the shared catalogue of the Hungarian national, scientific, academic libraries, and the institutions (county and city libraries) providing central services. Its main scope is the elimination of redundant cataloging practices. Libraries can both upload and download their bibliographic records, which are deduplicated by MOKKA – thus the final result of such a process is a standard, coherent register for Hungarian libraries. The bibliographic database includes more than 4 million records from 67 library collections. The project development phase included the process of metadata harvesting and the creation of search and retrieval functions. The National Document Supply System has integrated to the database more than 10 million record items together with loan status information. The project also included the development of inter library loan tools and library register workflows. Currently the system is managing 10 000 requests quarterly.