Museum Bistrita

tablet application and 3D interactive map


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Together with the team of passionate professionals from Bistrița, Qulto developed a new concept of an interactive multi-media guide, that combines elements of augmented reality and audio-guide to transform the walk in the exhibit into a quest, a game-like experience.

The app, called Explore CMBN (CMBN being the acronym of the museum) is available on mobile devices and offers the visitor a wide series of information related to the museum history, the building itself, details on each department, each room and on the most important items in the exhibit. The content comes in the form of text, professional audio recordings, images and 3D scans. The guide is available both in English and Romanian, thus making the museum more accessible for tourists everywhere. After a short introduction and tutorial, the users have to scan the QR codes next to each room or object in order to get details on that specific collection or items. Unlike during a guided tour, visitors can focus on items that draw their attention. Moreover, items have keywords, based on area of interest or object category, so that a person interested in jewelries or weapons will get recommendations on that specific type of objects. The multi-media guide is just one component of a bigger project that Bistrița Museum Complex designed together with Qulto.

The project also involves using Qulto Museum software for the management of the collections, thus creating a database with complex metadata for more than 30000 museum objects. A public online catalogue of the most valuable items will soon be available.



Bistrita, Romania




Bistrița-Năsăud Museum Complex, Romania