Jurnalul – AR application
What was it like to be a high-school student in the town of Sibiu, Romania, more than a century ago? The latest Qulto project invites you to a genuine time-travel, by browsing a the diary of a writer who was a teenager in 1885. Users can read the whole text or chapters in the modern form of an e-pub, they can see the original diary pages digitized by the library or listen to an actor reading the diary. Original drawings inspired by the content of the diary illustrate the pages of the virtual book.
The library promotes the web app by sending it to other libraries postcards that tell stories, thanks to the augmented reality developed for them and free to download for Android and iOS users. A project imagined by Brașov County Library, Romania, and brought to life by Qulto.
Applied products
Attraction and Games
Brașov, Romania
Brașov County Library, Romania