Archive for the ‘Attract’ Category

Networkshop 2023

Posted on: April 27th, 2023 by Papp Ildikó

“With new technologies and new content for the digital transformation of the future”

NETWORKSHOP, the most prestigious Hungarian conference on computer networking and IT applications for higher education, public education, research and public collections, was held for the 32nd time in Veszprém, Hungary, between 12-14 April 2023.

Our company, as one of the sponsors of Networkshop, was represneted by 11 participants. Our colleagues contributed to the programme with technical presentations, in addition to active participation in the lecture sessions. Gábor Deák, head of the development department and Melinda Mátyás, public collection expert, presented the development of our eCard application in the poster session. Besides the presentation of the poster, a lively discussion evolved among participants on topics such as library standardisation, the technologies used in eCard and the future possibilities of creating book recommendations.

András Simon, client manager, presented in session III.07 Born Digital content management in public collections “Where can I write the inventory number? Born digital documents in collection management practices”, in which he addressed timely issues of altering library and museum practices. Today, a significant proportion of library and museum documents are already digitally generated and other parts of the collection are being digitised at great pace in all heritage institutions. The storage, preservation and servicing of these objects raises a number of issues for which new preservation and servicing strategies need to be developed to replace or complement the tried and tested solutions that have been in use in the past three centuries.

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Gül Baba Turbe Reopened

Posted on: July 31st, 2018 by akovacstapai

On 9th October 2018 Gül Baba Turbe was reopened in Budapest, Hungary with the participation of a Turkish and a Hungarian delegation. The project is an example of unique cultural cooperation between Hungarians and Turks.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán cut the ribbon of the Turbe after almost 3 years of renovation and construction work. 

One of the novelties in the Turbe area was the establishment of Gül Baba Museum. Besides a nice physical exhibition area, a digital exhibition can be seen on a kiosk and displays. The content was prepared by the stakeholders while Qulto provided the technical framework of the whole digital exhibiton. 

At the entrance of the Museum visitors find a touch screen kiosk with a historical map of Budapest in Turkish times. Mosques, bridges, districts and towers are indicated with different colours and icons. Visitors can zoom into the map to see the details of a particular area. In the future the content of the map will be enhanced with deeper explanations related to the places. 

While visitors walk ahead, they can see two displays with rich cultural content. The first one is equipped with a software called Qulto Timeline showing the story of the Turbe from 1541 to 2018. Visitors can slide to different dates for information, pictures and soon videos. The other monitor displays architects and their plans of the Turbe. 

There is a small monitor placed in a showcase where a video is displayed. The video was prepared by Asir Proje by collecting some old pictures and videos showing visits of Turkish delegations to the Turbe. 

We would like to thank both the Turkish and the Hungarian stakeholders of the project, especially TIKA and Asir Proje for the opportunity. 

We have been also delighted to be invited to a Business Forum organized by Turkish and Hungarian partners in contribution with ALX Hungary. The Turkish and Hungarian delegations also attended the business meeting. Qulto is happy to facilitate Turkish-Hungarian partnership with the digital developments for the Turbe and other projects. 

Academy of Music in Łódź, Charles Poznański Palace – 3D computer game

Posted on: January 16th, 2017 by qulto-admin
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We are proud to inform you that our company has completed a relevant project for the Academy of Music in Łódź in the framework of the “Maintenance and Revitalization of Cultural Heritage” program.

The primary goal of creating the game is to present the renovated and restored interiors of Charles Poznański Palace, which is owned by the Academy of Music in Łódź. The game was funded by EEA and Norway Grants, and was translated into three languages: Polish, English and Norwegian. It is available only for desktop PC-s.

3D model scanning technology has been used in the course of the work. Our company cooperated with a Polish firm, ArchiTube, that was responsible for scanning the building and specific rooms, where the main plot of the game takes place. Source images have been provided in excellent quality in order to guarantee improved user experience.

The main mission of the game is to find Grażyna Bacewicz’s missing sheet music hidden somewhere in the palace. Players have the opportunity to move around the place freely, enjoy and admire the beautiful interior of the palace and its rooms, discover and get to know the history of the place and people. During the journey, you can find some quizes and puzzles awaiting to be solved. In each room, a treble clef is waiting for you with a question. All questions are related to music and history, and not necessarily easy. So be prepared to use your brain! After giving a correct answer, you can discover the place further, and get closer and closer to finding the sheet. The game also offers some adventures for you, too – you can meet a good ghost, who warns you about a bad ghost prowling in the palace, and with whom you have to quiz fight at the end of the game. After giving five correct answers, you get a key, which opens the place with the hidden sheet music.

The project was finished in December 2016, so we hope it will not only be a source of fun, but also some good lesson of history!