Digital is the second level of the Qulto ecosystem, which helps all cultural institutions in the process of digitizing 2D, 3D objects, managing and serving files and data in a standard system.
Qulto Digital supports institutions throughout the complex journey of digitization to ensure a standardised path from scanning and cataloging to processing, data management and online publication.
a framework to support mass digitization
The Digitize module supports the entire post-scan, audio or video digitisation workflow, from the generation of thumbnail images, through optical character recognition (OCR) and proofreading to adding metadata and final publishing of materials.
Main features
- creating and editing file packages (also as bulk operation)
- parameterizable OCR (also as bulk operation)
- proofreading of OCR output files
- generating two-layer PDF files (also as bulk operation)
- watermarking (also as bulk operation)
- image transformation (also as bulk operation)
- adding metadata (also as bulk operation)
- file packages download (also as bulk operation)
Qulto SimilR is a software for finding text similarities between text documents, which can be hosted locally or as a cloud service. It allows multiple institutional and individual users to perform simultaneous analyses on individual, shared and web corpora.
Main features
- plagiarism detection and text similarity analysis
- parameterizable analyses
customised repository applications
Thanks to the built-in Repository module, your institution can easily manage its digital content. All content can be associated with standard descriptive elements that facilitate searchability and provide interoperability between different systems. Our solution also supports full-text indexing and search to ensure maximum accessibility and searchability.
Main features
- hierarchical management of collections
- multi-level authority management
- creation of custom forms
- media content upload, storage
- serving uploaded content to public catalogs
supporting submission, review and assessment workflows of theses
EasyThesis is a thesis management module that supports the entire process of submission, review and assessment of theses, working in conjunction with the Neptun online education system on the one hand and the institutional Discovery system on the other.
Main features
- student uploading of theses
- supporting the process of proofreading and evaluation of theses
- cooperation with the Neptun education system
- role-based customizable access rights management
- OAI link to institutional Discovery
supporting submission, review and assessment workflows of theses
With ePublisher, libraries can provide an online platform for digitised or dorn-digital e-books. On the other hand, publishers can use it as an online publishing platform. It allows you to control the number of simultaneous accesses and whether a document can be viewed exclusicely online or downloaded as well. It handles EPUB and PDF formats.