Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC
Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC has asked us to integrate four already existing, independant library systems. The new system beside the functions of a conventional integrated library system (cataloging, loan, aquisition, weeding, inventory, invoicing, serials, electronic library) can handle interlibrary requests for articles and books, provides a register of electronic contents and of financial reports. That is why readers’ functions are extanded with the option of forwarding requests for articles / book chapters/ books and with the tracking of requests.
User-friendly operation is helped by DOI/PMID based search and automated metadata fill.
The electronic library module insures the storing and retraceability of uploaded digital objects, contents coming for desiderata requests are also stored here. The module is capable of controlling availability on the basis of copyright restrictions.
When completing the requests of researchers working for Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC, spendings are registered department specifically, reports can be generated for certain time periods, so the system can be the basis of financial registration.
Part of the project was to convert all the data from the previous systems without any loss and filling them into the new system.
Applied products
Library management
Digital asset management
Electronic resource management
HunTéka Monguz OPAC