Selfie app

Posted on: April 13th, 2023 by akovacstapai
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The Selfie application is an interactive tool to complement the ethnographic exhibition of the György Thúry  Museum in Nagykanizsa, entitled “The more fancy, the more beautiful…” – The folk costume with loose skirts and pearl nets in Zala. The selfie, related to the theme of the exhibition, virtually dresses the user in costumes of the time, thus helping the user to travel through time in a playful way. The resulting image is a montage of the user’s face in a contemporary life scene, a person dressed in a typical folk costume. The design of the application is the result of a collaboration between our company and the museum, using graphic elements that match the exhibition.


Posted on: July 8th, 2022 by akovacstapai

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Put the city in your pocket!

With this cultural tourism app, our aim is to provide our customers with a tool to easily and quickly design and publish thematic tours or virtual walks of local values and cultural treasures.


Main features

Spreading local and cultural knowledge in an engaging way 

Game modes

Administration interface 

With the app, you can create any number of thematic walks without any restrictions: city walks, themed tours around a specific event or celebrity, a competition for students – unleash your creativity! During the walk, the presentation of spectacular places can be enriched with interesting content, we can engage the audience with quizzes and invite the whole family to play games. In addition to individual play mode, you can also compete, so a whole class or group can join in. Using the capabilities of the mobile device, the app sends information or guides the user to the next point in the game based on their physical location. On a desktop computer or in a web browser, it presents the points of interest in a virtual tour.

An administration interface is available for editing the walks after logging in. As the very first step, attractions have to be recorded together with their descriptions and associated media. These recorded items will serve as each ‘stop’  while creating guided tours and quiz-enriched playful walks. One stop can of course be used for several walks.

What to use it for?

In addition to creating outdoor tours, the app is also suitable for creating an indoor media (or audio-only) tour guide service based on QR codes.

Cloud service

Qulto Attract components are offered as a cloud service, installed on the servers of Qulto. The service includes server hosting (monitoring, backup), hosting and software usage.

Applications are web-based, running in a standard browser, with responsive design. The administration interfaces is also accessible from the browser.

In case of termination of the contract, the content created by the customer will be made available in a viewable format, without any additional charge. This will not include interaction elements offered by the application and the possibility of navigating between the pages.

Hardware requirements

The applications are run as cloud services, and our company takes care of the storage and serving of data, and of the operation of server-side programs. To answer technical questions and troubleshoot any technical issues that may arise, our company operates a support service. The visitor interfaces are browser-based and, thus can be accessed from a variety of workstations and mobile devices. The use of CityConquest is independent of any collection management system used by the institution.


On-line consultation is included as part of the purchase for all applications. The administrator interfaces are simple, easy to use, and working with them does not require any preliminary training or IT skills other than the ones used for everyday work.


Posted on: April 28th, 2022 by akovacstapai

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Qulto Digitize is a mass digitisation framework that provides solution for public collections, the general public and individual users as well for collaborative processing, grouping and repository management of text and image content. The main advantage of the framework is that it eliminates the need for both the use of other software and applications, and the cumbersome movement of files to be processed. Besides, it enables multi-user workflows.

Our module allows you to create, register, manage and share digital assets and their associated metadata with broad range of audiences. Furthermore, it also provides secure storage of master files, creation of on-demand converted versions, optical character recognition (OCR), watermarking and digital rights management (DRM) of files.

We support the digitisation of books, journals and analogue copies with workflows that make the collaborative work of consortium members transparent. Our system also provides a tool to manage the division of labour and the sharing of income and costs. Digitize is able to export and import METS-compliant digital objects and their metadata; we support digitisation processes with character recognition software; and detailed digitisation allows users to create independent e-documents from pieces of complete works. We can also record legal information and provide digital protection (DRM) for the works. Our system includes native, master and original files, the latter being generated automatically.

Groups of people working with digital objects – let them be university work groups, teachers, e-learning professionals or researcher – need an online platform where they can work on packages of files together in a way that will require them to move those files as infrequently as possible.

Main features

For more details and registration visit here!


Posted on: April 27th, 2022 by akovacstapai

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The Q360 application is a spherical panoramic virtual exhibition and walk through in a web environment with a responsive design. By creating 360 degree spherical panoramic virtual exhibitions and virtuals walks, you can digitally create or archive exhibition spaces. Using marker points placed on spherical panoramic images, you can place details from the real space in the virtual space and even complete it with additional, extra information. This way we can tell and show more about the objects than we could in a simple physical space.


In the administration interface of the application, it is possible to create virtual exhibitions and to define spherical panoramic images, so-called scenes, in these exhibitions without any additional help. Marker points placed on the scenes can be used both to transfer knowledge, information, and to navigate between scenes within the virtual exhibition.

The visitor interface is the main element of the application, where visitors can view a virtual exhibition. Here, it is possible to navigate between the scenes (i.e. spherical panoramic images) of the virtual exhibition, and by clicking on marker points to view the textual and visual information assigned to the scenes. A spherical panoramic image of a scene can also be viewed using VR glasses (Oculus Rift). For instance, a museum with several rooms can be presented in such a way that each room is a separate scene, but for larger rooms, multiple scenes can be defined as well. The visual information displayed in the scenes is not bound to physical space.

Main features:

Administration interface:

Visitor interface:

What to use it for?

Cloud service

Qulto Attract components are offered as a cloud service, installed on the servers of Qulto. The service includes server hosting (monitoring, backup), hosting and software usage.

Applications are web-based, running in a standard browser, with responsive design. The administration interfaces is also accessible from the browser.

In case of termination of the contract, the content created by the customer will be made available in a viewable format, without any additional charge. This will not include interaction elements offered by the application and the possibility of navigating between the pages.

Hardware requirements

The applications are run as cloud services, and our company takes care of the storage and serving of data, and of the operation of server-side programs. To answer technical questions and troubleshoot any technical issues that may arise, our company operates a support service. The visitor interfaces are browser-based and, thus can be accessed from a variety of workstations and mobile devices. The use of Q360 is independent of any collection management system used by the institution.


On-line consultation is included as part of the purchase for all applications. The administrator interfaces are simple, easy to use, and working with them does not require any preliminary training or IT skills other than the ones used for everyday work.

The Park of a Thousand Years

Posted on: March 3rd, 2022 by akovacstapai

In 2022, the Park’s Android application already in use was developed further – beacons were replaced with newly purchased ones, and the software running on visitor tablets was also updated.

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Beacons (bluetooth devices) have been installed for each of the 50+ outdoor models in the Park of a Thousand Years in Mórahalom. The Android application is designed to show the park through walking routes or in a ‘free wandering’ mode. While visiting the site, the information associated with miniatures is automatically displayed on the tablet by identifying the signal emitted by the beacon device. Stops on the routes also include a quiz question for the given model.

Altogether, a unique and spectacular application have been implemented, with a variety of topics belonging to each thematic route where the beacon signals associated with the models can be used to view the content associated with them.

Színházi emlékezet megőrzése

Posted on: April 15th, 2021 by akovacstapai

A 2017-2018-ban készült színháztörténeti portál főoldalának átstruktúrálása volt a feladatunk. Az időközben megváltozott igényeknek megfelelően az Országos Színháztörténeti Múzeum és Intézet kapcsolódó felületén egy teljesen új nyitóoldal került kialakításra, a korábbi főoldal almenüben kapott helyet. A portál a megrendelő kérésére további almenüpontokkal gazdagodott, illetve a munka során megújultak a keresési és fórum oldalak is.

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Az Országos Színháztörténeti Múzeum és Intézet „Színházi emlékezet megőrzése” elnevezésű projektje keretében a Monguz Kft. egy komplex gyűjteményi adatbázisra támaszkodó színháztörténeti portált készített.

Az adatbázis nemcsak leírja, tárolja és közzé teszi a kutatók által összegyűjtött színházi dokumentumokat, hanem előre meghatározott szakmai szempontok szerint rendezi, előfeldolgozza a forrásokat. Nemcsak a leíró adatokat, hanem magukat a forrásokat is elérhetővé teszi digitális formában, valamint a kutatás – részben a honlapon publikált – szöveges eredményeit is összekapcsolja a múzeum gyűjteményében található forrásokkal.

A digitális platform ( – mely hamarosan elérhető) további feladata, hogy olyan felületként működjön, melyet minden későbbi szakmai és tudományos publikáció referenciaként jelölhet meg, mivel az egyes előadásokról, színészekről, színházról fellelhető információ szakmailag alátámasztva, megszerkesztve tárul a közönség elé.

Museum Bistrita

Posted on: February 3rd, 2021 by akovacstapai
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Together with the team of passionate professionals from Bistrița, Qulto developed a new concept of an interactive multi-media guide, that combines elements of augmented reality and audio-guide to transform the walk in the exhibit into a quest, a game-like experience.

The app, called Explore CMBN (CMBN being the acronym of the museum) is available on mobile devices and offers the visitor a wide series of information related to the museum history, the building itself, details on each department, each room and on the most important items in the exhibit. The content comes in the form of text, professional audio recordings, images and 3D scans. The guide is available both in English and Romanian, thus making the museum more accessible for tourists everywhere. After a short introduction and tutorial, the users have to scan the QR codes next to each room or object in order to get details on that specific collection or items. Unlike during a guided tour, visitors can focus on items that draw their attention. Moreover, items have keywords, based on area of interest or object category, so that a person interested in jewelries or weapons will get recommendations on that specific type of objects. The multi-media guide is just one component of a bigger project that Bistrița Museum Complex designed together with Qulto.

The project also involves using Qulto Museum software for the management of the collections, thus creating a database with complex metadata for more than 30000 museum objects. A public online catalogue of the most valuable items will soon be available.

City Conquest Game

Posted on: February 3rd, 2021 by akovacstapai
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The main concept of the game is to teach and distribute knowledge related to local history and culture. Your mobile device shows a map on which certain areas have to be seized by giving correct answers to the culture related questions. Visiting the given area increases your chances while playing the game as the questions cover the local sights – famous buildings or statues. Also, aid is given in the form of descriptions, fun-facts and images, and your performance can be shared on Facebook in the end. The GPS data of your mobile’s location enable the system to determine about which area the questions should be about. Also, small tags on the map that mark the sights included in the game serve you as an exciting and „smart” guide in the city.

Qulto Days

Posted on: February 3rd, 2021 by akovacstapai

Qulto Days 2021

To improve is to change;
to be perfect is to change often.
(W. Churchill)

Join us live for the professional event on February 3 in Hungarian and / or on February 4 in English, where we will talk about exciting projects and current topics. Participation is free, you can register on the form available at the following link:

According to our plans, the event will be organized with the help of the Zoom application, the link required for connection will be sent to the registrants in the days before the event.We look forward to hearing from you!
Join our iconic event straight from your couch!:)

More information and full agenda can be found here

Qulto Manage

Posted on: December 15th, 2020 by akovacstapai

Qulto Manage not only helps you to manage your institution as a whole, but also to manage collections, documentation, other information and institutional content. The introduction of products belonging to Manage is the first step towards building the Qulto Ecosystem within an institution.

Integrated Qulto systems for the management of museums, libraries or other cultural institutions allow the creation of a unified knowledge base to start your adventures in the stories about different people, objects or places. Qulto Manage is the initial step in the sustainable development of an institution, with transparency, openness and integrity in mind.

What will your institution gain after implementing a collection management software?

Our systems make it easy to record the flow of information between your institution’s departments, branches and staff, to monitor activities within the software, and to generate reports and statistics. In addition, some of its functions and modules can be adapted to the specific needs of the institution. Consequently, all our systems are customised.



Integrated library system

Our Qulto Library brand will help any library looking for a solution to process, manage, digitize, share or support the workflow of its collections. Our integrated system simplify data management, database building, digitization and online sharing of public information, freeing up valuable time for your institution’s staff.

Main features

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Integrated museum collection management system

Our Qulto Museum system helps any museum looking for a solution to manage, digitize, share or support workflow for their collections. Our integrated system simplifies data management, database building and online sharing of public information, giving your institution’s staff a useful workload.

Main features

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Integrated archival system

Our integrated archival system provides a solution for processing, managing, digitizing, sharing or supporting the workflow of archives collections. Qulto Archive simplifies data management, database building, digitization and online sharing of public information.

Main features

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Statistics module

Our Qulto Stat module gives your institution an insight into workflows and interactions taking place both in the institution and Qulto services. Monitor staff efficiency, habits of visitors to your virtual platform or data traffic through the entire system and server. Our system not only offers a transparent, quantifiable picture of your institution’s work and progress, but also provides indispensable support for well-established management decisions.



For all types of institutions

API – Want to add new components to your existing system?

Standard Application Programming Interface (APIs), used by small applications that connect larger systems or are custom-built, allow you to add external components without having to know how systems actually operate.

This way, it is possible, for example, to link an opan access catalog (OPAC) to any integrated public collection system, or to integrate Qulto products with other systems, services or open source components.

Qulto Digital

Posted on: December 14th, 2020 by akovacstapai

Digital is the second level of the Qulto ecosystem, which helps all cultural institutions in the process of digitizing 2D, 3D objects, managing and serving files and data in a standard system.

Qulto Digital supports institutions throughout the complex journey of digitization to ensure a standardised path from scanning and cataloging to processing, data management and online publication.



a framework to support mass digitization

The Digitize module supports the entire post-scan, audio or video digitisation workflow, from the generation of thumbnail images, through optical character recognition (OCR) and proofreading to adding metadata and final publishing of materials.

Main features

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Qulto SimilR is a software for finding text similarities between text documents, which can be hosted locally or as a cloud service. It allows multiple institutional and individual users to perform simultaneous analyses on individual, shared and web corpora.

Main features

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customised repository applications

Thanks to the built-in Repository module, your institution can easily manage its digital content. All content can be associated with standard descriptive elements that facilitate searchability and provide interoperability between different systems. Our solution also supports full-text indexing and search to ensure maximum accessibility and searchability.

Main features

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supporting submission, review and assessment workflows of theses

EasyThesis is a thesis management module that supports the entire process of submission, review and assessment of theses, working in conjunction with the Neptun online education system on the one hand and the institutional Discovery system on the other.

Main features

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supporting submission, review and assessment workflows of theses

With ePublisher, libraries can provide an online platform for digitised or dorn-digital e-books. On the other hand, publishers can use it as an online publishing platform. It allows you to control the number of simultaneous accesses and whether a document can be viewed exclusicely online or downloaded as well. It handles EPUB and PDF formats.

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Qulto Connect

Posted on: December 13th, 2020 by akovacstapai

Qulto Connect is the third level of our ecosystem, providing data refining, aggregation and sharing systems for public collections and other customers.



bibliographic search service

Discovery provides a shared online interface for searching library catalogs, full-text repository content, research data, online articles, e-publications and eLearning materials.

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semantic cataloging

ReCatalog converts local metadata into semantic data and links it to trusted public namespaces. Our search system handles all metadata recorded about public collection items and scientific content as real content, and by using built-in links it easily creates connection between metadata, making it easier for users to search.

Main features

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library in your pocket

The aim of eCard mobile application is to make as many ‘library issues’ as possible accessible, transparent and manageable in one place. The application is able to manage multiple reader’s cards at the same time. Furthermore,  iuers can manage their library transactions, such as renewals, reservations, checking deadlines and debts, on their own mobile phones.

Main features

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Qulto Attract

Posted on: December 12th, 2020 by akovacstapai

The long-term goal for public collections at the end of the digitization journey is to create more digitized content and thus to have more content available online, thus reusing the cultural values and knowledge held in the collections of libraries, museums and archives. In this work, we support public collections with software solutions that provide them with a digital tool to publish online content, educational and cultural material, by using digitized content as well.

By using the products of our Qulto Attract package, it becomes easier to tell digital stories, publish cultural tours and virtual exhibitions.



Put the city in your pocket!

CityConquest is a mobile-optimised web application for local walks, cultural tours. With this tool, our customers can easily and quickly design and publish thematic tours or virtual walks of local values and cultural treasures. The resulting games can be published online for end users in fun and engaging form of games.

Main features

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digital storytelling

Both editing and user reception of content are facilitated by an online application running in a web browser. The digital story created on this platform is an exhibition material on a specific theme, compiled from the museums’ collections and other content, presented in digital form on a web interface, where the museum curator can build up the exhibition material and edit its way of presentation to the public with the help of a dedicated administration interface.

Main features

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online educational resources

Qulto Education is a software component that supports the creation and use of interactive educational materials, providing a playful learning experience in school, library and museum environments. Educators and public librarians can engage their students or visitors through their most preferred digital tools, combining online and offline materials.

Main features

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virtual tours in real spaces

Q360 application is a spherical panoramic virtual exhibition and walk-through in a web environment featuring a responsive design. With this solution, the staff of the institution can easily present indoor and outdoor spaces, or even virtually imagined spaces with the help of a graphic designer. Make your exhibition accessible online, and welcome your visitors in the virtual space!

Main features

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For all types of institutions

Nowadays, it is essential to spice up visitor spaces with intreractive tools – our attraction hardware definitely help you with it. The use of these devices guarantees to enhance visitor experience and provide the opportunity to deliver more information in a more engaging way. They can be excellent additional elements to traditional exhibitions.


Qulto Presenter

entertainment and education

It detects and identifies the objects placed on it, making it an ideal tool for conveying interactive information in the form of innovative touristic or cultural games. This large, multi-touch display with adjustable height and tilt can be used as a table or as a monitor in an upright position. It can be connected to a touchless gesture controller, and is also suitable for displaying 3D images.


Microsoft Hololens

with mixed reality for better visitor experience

A holographic device that allows you to interact with virtual elements projected onto the real environment. It is a more advanced alternative to previous QR code applications, for example, it can be used to display additional textual information (e.g. detailed captions or object captions). It not only enhances the experience, but also greatly supports understanding and learning.

Some application ideas

  • combining reality with interactive digital content
  • creating games, virtual exhibitions, presentations, (thematic) guides
  • displaying 3D or other interactive content in library or exhibition areas
  • library and museum guide


VR headset

virtual reality serving your institutional needs 

To the complete exclusion of the real world, it is possible to move, look, do in a virtual space. It is the perfect choice to showcase virtual born spaces, hidden treasures, buildings, castles in a contemporary way. Combined with our Q360 application, it also allows you to visit virtual or virtualised exhibitions.

Some application ideas

  • preservingtemporary exhibitions
  • presentation of virtual spaces, hidden treasures, buildings, castles, making spaces closed to the public virtually accessible
  • extension of services to cultural institutions – virtual laboratories, project rooms, thematic walks and workshops



collection objects in 3D

With this display you can place an actual item in the centre and have it enveloped in a 3D holographic content telling a story, showing an animation, or simply highlighting the features of a specific collection item.

Some application ideas

  • showing the hidden details of a collection item
  • displaying the 3D reconstruction of a damaged museum item

oldal elejére

Selfie app

Posted on: July 15th, 2020 by akovacstapai
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The Szelfi app, connected to the Ethnographic Collection of the Balaton Museum in Keszthely, was created with a playful tool and modern technology and the integration of a face recognizing software. The easy-to-use and free application allows the user to hide in the skin of people in photos selected from the museum’s collection pieces. You can save and share your own images of the face change.

A Successful Mine Rescue from 1888

Posted on: December 11th, 2019 by akovacstapai

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Our application entitled as A Successful Mine Rescue from 1888 was housed in the new permanent exhibition of the Mining Museum, which is the exhibition place of the Béla Dornyay Museum in Salgótarján. The development, implemented as part of the exhibition on the history and memories of the Nógrád coal basin mine rescue, is a quiz game embedded in an animation that authentically processes the entire 56-hour rescue. Thanks to the application we developed, visitors can learn about the lucky mining accident in 1888 through storytelling and creative learning tools.

“Bács-Kiskun hazavár!”

Posted on: August 11th, 2019 by akovacstapai
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The aim of the project “Bács-Kiskun hazavár!” the creation of an Android mobile application that introduces those wishing to repatriate to their consortium settlements participating in the project, as well as their services and other attractive opportunities found there. The consortium settlements involved: Kiskunmajsa, Kunszentmiklós, Tiszakécske and its surroundings. Content found within the application: description of the municipality, offices, health care, education, culture, attractions, leisure, transportation, job opportunities, real estate and settlement grants.