
Posted on: February 11th, 2018 by akovacstapai

Az MNM OMMIK részére olyan e-learning portált készítünk, melyen múzeumi szakembereknek szóló online képzéseket indítanak. Az első kurzus – az EMMI-vel közreműködésben – a múzeumi intézményrendszer alapismereteit, folyamatait járja körbe, és folyamatosan készülnek más témában is képzések. Ezekre regisztrációt követően jelentkezhetnek a múzeum szakemberei és a kurzust teljesen digitális formában végzik el. Emellett itt lesznek elérhetők bizonyos nyílt kurzusok is, melyek módszertani segítséget nyújthatnak a múzeumoknak. Az új portál tehát e-learning képzésekkel és digitális, vagy interaktív segédletekkel szolgálja a szakmabeliek egész életen át tartó tanulását, a kompetenciafejlesztést és új célok elérését.

Törökbálint anno

Posted on: December 15th, 2017 by Papp Ildikó
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The ’Törökbálint anno’ local history collection, which is available in Hungarian, English and German, provides valuable information to its visitors who are interested in the past of the town – let them be families investigating their predecessors’ memories or professional researchers of the subject. More and more concise translation of online content is available with time in order to serve details to former inhabitants’ ancestors about their relatives having been deported to Germany or living all around the world.

This initiative is unique as this enermous work has been done by volunteers in their free-time. Thousands of photos, postcards, manuscripts, prints, and objects are being documented with detailed descriptions, including the names of people depicted on the images. As a result of the project, a personal database is being created which covers the town’s entire history, and where former and present inhabitants can be browsed gathered in family trees and enriched with relationship data. Visitors of the site can have access to various data, photos, baptismal registers, birth certificates, and other documents.



Posted on: July 23rd, 2017 by akovacstapai
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MuseuMap museum aggregator portal has been renewed recently. In addition to the new design, the updated version opens a window for social media, user-friendly and entertaining web 2.0 functions. There is a new MyMuseumap page on the portal, where visitors can collect the pictures they like or find important into an own gallery. Users can browse public galleries compiled by others and can even download them for a presentation. Browsing in the colourful collection can be started from a personalised work of art. The associative search is helped by the records’ subject-headings, which lead the users to similar artifacts.

Qulto Education

Posted on: July 4th, 2017 by qulto-admin

#learn differently #it is fun to learn #reusing public collections #digital museum pedagogy # reusing public collections # digital museum pedagogy # interactive ducation #digital education packages

Qulto Education that belongs to our Qulto portfolio, is a software component supporting the creation and usage of interactive education packages. This software primarily provides assistance to teachers and lecturers working in the public education sector and public collection institutions, though it is effectively applicable in other fields, as well. The module gives the opportunity of learning in a fun way within the framework of school, library, and museum activities. Consequently, lecturers can use the recently popular electronic devices preferred by their students to raise interest in a given subject through combining online and offline education materials.

In the first development phase the software’s beta version was born. Further improvements are going on based on the feedbacks of participants of formal and informal education.We aim at creating a digital education tool which, besides mediating interactive knowledge and culture, inspires the youth to visit and discover public collections. It is also designed to connect public collection items and cultural services to further services, especially to public education.

The software is easy to use: teachers and lecturers working with Qulto Education can create products within education packages. Such products can be built up from public collection data, internal and external sources, texts and media contents. These products – quiz, timeline, word search, puzzle –  by involving students in interactive tasks enable covering a certain topic or subject – let it be the history of a castle, the ballads of János Arany or some questions related to natural sciences.

Steps of creating digital education materials:

1, collecting sources and digital content (digital contents of public collections, external web sources, own images)

2, creating your personal education package (products of an education package: quiz, timeline, word search, puzzle)

3, the education packages can be presented within the system, or can be exported to several formats, which makes it easy to add further content, and edit them with other software

Lecturers can put together the education packages either themselves or in cooperation with their colleagues, and the completed materials can be made available in the institution’s open access catalogues. The presentations, exercise sheets can be integrated into the course schedule both in online and offline mode, assisting to cover a given topic with the help of public collection contents and other materials.

Planned functionalities and further development ideas of Qulto Education:

– Linking products: linking the already existing products to each other in a specific order so that they function as a linear guidance, and which can be presented/played without interruption
– Adding further products: already existing products would be extended with elements such as storytelling, mindmap, and some other playful presentation tools
– External sources: extending the range of supported external sources
– Supporting group work: authority management and defining certain roles would assist group work, which would include either working on education packages simultaneously or exercises that require students’ active involvment

Qulto Education

Posted on: February 10th, 2017 by akovacstapai
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learn differently #it is fun to learn #using public collections #digital museum pedagogy #interactive education #digital education packages

Qulto Education, which belongs to our Qulto portfolio, is a software component supporting the creation and usage of interactive education packages. This software primarily provides assistance to teachers and lecturers working in the public education sector and public collection institutions, though it is effectively applicable in other fields, as well. The module gives the opportunity of learning in a fun way within the framework of school, library, and museum activities. Consequently, lecturers can use the recently popular electronic devices preferred by their students to raise interest in a given subject through combining online and offline education materials.

We have aimed at creating a digital education tool which, besides mediating interactive knowledge and culture, inspires the youth to visit and discover public collections. It is also designed to connect public collection items and cultural services to further services, especially to public education.

The software is easy to use: teachers and lecturers working with Qulto Education can create tasks within education packages. Such education materials can be built up from public collection data, internal and external sources, texts and media contents. These tasks – quiz, timeline, word search, puzzle, slideshow – which can also be linked enable covering a certain topic or subject – let it be the history of a castle, the ballads of János Arany or some questions related to natural sciences – by involving students in interactive tasks.

Academy of Music in Łódź, Charles Poznański Palace

Posted on: September 23rd, 2016 by akovacstapai
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The primary goal of creating the game is to present the renovated and restored interiors of Charles Poznański Palace, which is owned by the Academy of Music in Łódź. The game was created by using one of today’s leading game engines, which exploits the capacity of the present graphic hardwares, but at the same time it enables running the application on older hardwares thus targeting the widest possible audience. Keeping this in the main focus, the game is available on several desktop platforms, including MacOS X, and has been translated into English, Polish and Norwegian.

3D model scanning technology has been used in the course of the work. Our company cooperated with a Polish firm, ArchiTube,which was responsible for scanning the building and specific rooms, where the main plot of the game takes place. Source images have been provided in excellent quality in order to guarantee improved user experience.

The main mission of the game is to find Grażyna Bacewicz’s missing sheet music hidden somewhere in the palace. Players have the opportunity to move around the place freely, enjoy and admire the beautiful interior of the palace and its rooms, discover and get to know the history of the place and people. During the journey you can find some quizzes and puzzles awaiting to be solved. In each room a treble clef is waiting for you with a question.  After giving a correct answer, you can discover the place further, and get closer and closer to finding the sheet. The game also offers some adventures – you can meet a good ghost, who warns you about a bad ghost prowling in the palace, and with whom you have to quiz fight at the end of the game. After giving five correct answers, you get a key, which opens the place with the hidden sheet music.

F@IMP 2.0

Posted on: July 23rd, 2016 by akovacstapai

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AVICOM (International Committee for Audiovisual and New Image and Sound Technologies) regularly organizes its professional festivals where its ICOM (International Council of Museums) members have the possibility to show and compare their submitted project works. Both the registration and the competition workflow processes have been made easier and speeded up by a new information system.

The online registration module manages the registration of candidates, the submission of museum project works, online public access to them, management of online payments related to submissions. It also provides a platform for both online evaluation process of submitted works by the jury, and general public ratings.

The winners of the different categories of works and museum projects submitted during previous AVICOM festivals are also available and can be consulted publicly in the archives of the site. All published museum projects have been endorsed by the authors and are thus free from constraints related to copyright regulations.

World War I Digital Exhibition

Posted on: January 23rd, 2016 by akovacstapai
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Digital devices in the service of the museum. A new, permanent exhibition opened in the Institute and Museum of Military History with the title Hungary in the Great War, 1914-1918.  It does not only rely on the rich collection, but on the digital content consisting of several components. In all rooms one can browse historical information, picture galleries, animation, cronology in connection with the Hungarian military regiments and troops on touchscreen terminals, and play with the applications making the exhibition more colourful (puzzles with maps and uniforms, quiz for the photo collection of WWI and roleplay game). The interactive exhibition gives multiple interpretation of the war: beyond the battles it depicts the life of soldiers and those who stayed in the hinterlands and social changes are also shown.

Unlike conventional exhibitions, a great number of valuable and interesting information, facts and objects – instead of being hung on the walls – are presented on digital devices, providing the experience of discovery for the visitors. Certainly, show-cases are present in the rooms though QR codes placed on them direct visitors to a web interface, where the Museum tells the story of objects which cannot be represented due to the lack of space or special protection.

The items and data of the collection – present in the digital content of the exhibition – are handled in an integrated system. The digital applications communicate with this database when showing the events and social situation of the period.

PIM DIA Reader

Posted on: June 10th, 2015 by akovacstapai
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The Petőfi Literary Museum Digital Literary Academy is digitizing and publishing the works of the prominent figures of Hungarian contemporary literature. Those who are interested, by downloading and installing the PIM DIA application, can read the works included in the database on their mobile phones. Users can read the texts of the database on mobile devices by downloading the PIM DIA Reader mobile application. On the interface one can look for authors and book titles, can read literary works in mobile optimised layout and can use bookmarks. When digital books are borrowed, content is also available offline. The app works with epub format (meaning that the book is downloaded on the device with reduced size), and a timestamp automatically eliminates the loaned status after 2 weeks.


Posted on: February 10th, 2014 by akovacstapai
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The MuseuMap museum aggregator portal was developed for the Hungarian  National Museum. A complex aggregator system is in the background of the portal, which aggregates the collections of the joined institutions in one place, and displays the public records to the visitors.

Browse among works of art uploaded by joined institutions is possible with help of both simple and advanced search funtions. Objects selected according to specific conditions can also be browsed, and result lists can be narrowed down further with timeline and different filter options.

In addition to the presence on a common search interface, the institutions can show their collections with the help of  virtual exhibitions which might increase visitor attendance. The service provides an opportunity to deliver the images and textual data automatically to Europeana portal, which enables partner institutions’ collection appear not only in Hungarian, but in a shared European collection, as well.

The portal got new design in 2018.

Kultura Malopolska Site

Posted on: June 10th, 2013 by akovacstapai
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The National Museum in Krakow, together with its 6 partner institutions worked on a project the key objective of which is to create a platform for the digitization of museum collections in the region of Małopolska, and to make the created content accessible to the public.

The shared platform developed by Qulto serves as a means to protect and promote the digitally processed cultural heritage. All partners’ collections can be browsed on this portal which is basically built on an aggregated database supplied by the partner institutions’ collections.

During the implemenation phase, in accordance with current standards, the collection management systems of the 7 partner museums had to be integrated into one single shared system. Thus the portal, which offers several search options within collections, was connected to the shared system, and the once digitally described data could automatically be displayed on the dedicated website.

Visitors can browse the data according to several search conditions, search results can be refined by filters, public descriptive data, galleries, and social media functions can be accessed in case of every artefact, and also the use of tags enhance further the user experience while browsing the rich cultural content made available on Kultura Malopolska portal.

Battle of Pákozd

Posted on: May 10th, 2013 by akovacstapai
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The external exhibition site of The Museum of Military History, The Pákozd Military Memorial Park gives home to this special application developed by Qulto – it is a FPS (First-Person-Shooter) game evoking the Pákozd-Sukoró Battle, the technological base of which is provided by a kinect camera. Some historical objects from the museum’s collection have been 3D scanned and inserted in the game. From all these objects, the biggest role have been given to bayonets that players can learn to handle and fight with in the camp – only virtually, of course. The Hungarian Military Forces was formed on the fields of Sukoró, Pákozd and Páka. Members of the then developing basic troops were the first ones to be called patriots i.e. Hungarian soldiers defending their nation.

With the help of our virtual game visitors can have a better understanding of how it would have felt to fight for their country about 170 years ago in a face-to-face battle. Detailed description of the historical events, weapons, objects, uniforms, and the unusal vocabulary used in the military camps all help the players to submerge in those times. At the request of the museum, the latter collection have been displayed on a touchscreen terminal in the form of a virtual exhibition.